What’s going on

Local Events

Regular Groups and Events


Thursday 8th August 2024


The Anchor Inn

Ringmer BN8 5QE

A chance to hear about what the LDDAA have done in the last twelve months and our plans and priorities for the coming year.  

Lewes Late Night Shopping 

Thursday 5th December 2024


Shops, stalls and entertainment from local businesses and community groups. 


Dementia Peer Support Group

Second Tuesday of every month 10.30am-12.30pm

Church House
1 Cockshut Road
Lewes BN7 1JH

An opportunity to meet others living  with Dementia in Lewes and surrounding areas. Our group  includes those recently diagnosed to further advanced and is a safe space to share your experiences in a sensitive and understanding environment.
Family members, friends and carers all welcome. Refreshments available.

Dementia Coffee Morning

Every Friday

From 11.30am

Parris Lawn                                                39 Harvard Road                            Ringmer BN8 5HH

An opportunity to have a relaxed chat and meet new people over a cup of team or coffee and a biscuit. Advice on dementia care and respite also available. Family members, friends and carers all welcome. 


Carers Support Group 

 Last Friday of every month


The Phoenix Centre
Malling Street
Lewes BN7 2RD

An opportunity to meet other carers supporting those living with Dementia. Our group is a safe space to share your experiences in a sensitive and understanding environment. All carers and their loved ones welcome. Refreshments available.


Companionship Cafe 

 Every Wednesday 


The Dorset Pub
22 Malling Street
Lewes BN7 2RD

Conversation and companionship and the opportunity to meet new people in a relaxed and cosy setting. Family members, friends and carers all welcome.


National Events

Brighton Memory Walk

29 September 2024


World Alzheimer’s Month

Every September

 A whole month of activities and events to raise awareness about dementia and Alzheimer’s.


World Alzheimer’s Day

21 September 2024


Past events


Live well now, plan your future

Friday 14th October, 1pm-4pm.
St Leonards Church, 18A Church Street, Seaford BN25 1HG


Live well now, plan your future

Friday 20th May, 12noon-3pm.
TRINITY, St John sub Castro, Abinger Place, Lewes BN7 2QA

Older People's Day 2021

Old People's Day 2021

Live well now, plan for a better future

Friday 8th October, 1-4pm.
TRINITY, St John sub Castro, Abinger Place, Lewes BN7 2QA

Memory Walk

Dementia-friendly Sensory Walk

with Afternoon Tea

Thursday 23rd May 2019 ~ 2.30pm
Linklater Pavilion, Railway Land, Lewes, BN7 2FG

Older People Day
Older People Day
Older People Day

Estimated number of people with dementia in the UK

Number of people in Lewes District with dementia

% of people with dementia living in residential care